Friday, October 11, 2013

Adrian Salbuchi - Muerte de Nestor Kirchner puede ser un FRAUDE

Este video estaba disponible pero lo sacaron de Youtube. Lo vuelvo a poner para que el pueblo argentino se de cuenta que Nestor Kirchner puede estar vivo.

Recomiendo el libro de Salbuchi:

El caso de los Fondos Públicos de Santa Kruz - Los "desaparecidos" de Néstor Kirchner:

No existe ninguna imagen del cuerpo de Néstor Kirchner. El funeral se hizo con el féretro cerrado.


Friday, September 27, 2013

Salbuchi - The Well From Hell

The Deepwater Horizon False Flag Event (Trigger No. 8 in my "12 Triggers Driving the Transition from Globalization to World Government" video of 15December2009) threatens to explode into an unprecedented catastrophe of planetary proportions..

Monday, September 23, 2013

PSR - Cristina rindió examen al poder mundial, habló por cadena y se reunió a escondidas con ellos.

Adrián Salbuchi y Enrique Romero fundadores del PSR - Proyecto Segunda República desenmascaran el discurso de la presidente con relación a la deuda externa, los bonistas, los desembolsos, y las cortes neoyorkinas en la que rindió examen al poder mundial.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Adrian Salbuchi Gadaffi's Son May Be Executed! 22.11.11

Adrian Salbuchi Gadaffi's Son May Be Executed! 22.11.11 LIBYA ON WAR HD zappatvchannel

ADRIAN SALBUCHI ~ CRISTINA KIRCHNER: Los corruptos deben devolver todo lo que se robaron e ir presos

Vea este tramo de nuestro programa "Segunda Republica" transmitido por TLV1 el miercoles 19 Sept 2013 - Debe devolver todo lo que se robaron e ir presos...


Vea este breve tramo del último programa "Segunda República" emitido el miércoles 19-Sep-2013 por TLV1 - Toda La Verdad Primero. Demostramos la hipocresía, mentiras insensibilidad de Cristina Kirchner habia los pobres de la Argentina

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


FOCUS ON ARGENTINA" 09-Aug-2013 - Third Part - FRANCIS, THE ARGENTINE POPE... In the third and last part of this new show on Channel TLV1 from Argentina, host Juan Manuel Soaje Pinto talks to Adrian Salbuchi on the significance of an Argentine being named Pope, current political scene in Argentina, its up-coming Congressional Elections and the Kirchner Regime

Adrian Salbuchi Putin a break against neo-colonial West

It would seem from the real history of the last decade or so that the Russian government is more concerned with the welfare of its people than its oligarchs. It even exiled or put a few in jail. I don't see that happening much in 'The West' where at least a couple of bankers aught to be sitting in jail.

Adrian Salbuchi v/s Walter Martinez hablan sobre Siria.

Siria: Adrian Salbuchi v/s Walter Martinez hablan sobre el conflcto en Siria.

Interesantísimo Análisis Geo-político respecto a la situación en siria, en un solo vídeo
interesante postura de uno y otro, mantienen clarificadoras perspectivas analíticas y altos niveles conversacionales siempre expuestos arriba de la mesa con la "Verdad Verdadera", y no esa verdad mentirosa de algunos medios de comunicación tradicionales Imperialistas o alianzas cuasi-estratégicas de prensas tv o escritas con tal de no quedar mal con aquellos.

¿Les gustaría un debate triple entre: Don Adrian Salbuchi,Walter Martinez y Alfredo Jalife?

a mi si :)

Mejores Analistas Internacionales:

1. Lajos Szaszdi
2. Wilfredo Amr Ruiz
3. Adrian Salbuchi
4. Alfredo Jalife
5. Walter Martinez (Periodista)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Adrian Salbuchi Argentine Corruption World Government in South America - Red Ice Radio

Adrian Salbuchi is known for speaking and writing about geopolitics, international relations, political power structures and financial globalization. His latest book is "The Coming World Government." Adrian regularly writes articles and shows up RT. He is the founder of the Argentine Second Republic Project and he is an international business consultant. He is with us today to give us an update on how the development of world government is marching forward in South America. We begin to discuss the newly selected Argentine Jesuit pope and what his strategy for cleaning up the tarnished reputation of the Vatican will be. We move on to talk about Cristina Kirchner and the Kirshner "dynasty," who have been ruling the massively corruption Argentina for over 10 years. Adrian explains many of the financial scandals that have been unfolding in Argentina, without any coverage by the nation's media. Salbuchi further describes how the country's resources being are being sold out to mega corporations and that it's all run by the super national globalists and their banks. In the second hour Adrian explains why he is suspicious of the Arab spring and other demonstrations and rallies around the world. He explains that as long as people are fighting amongst themselves they will never be able to see the real enemy. We further discuss what is going on in Venezuela after Hugo Chavez death and the situation in Brazil. Adrian says that the economy is being intentionally dismantled around the world and the reformation offered to fix it will get us further dependent on a debt based centralized governmental banking system. He gives us a few pointers on how to remain autonomous under these conditions.